Chart locations are using 1,2,3,4 etc.
This article provides a guide on resolving issues where Location Code (text) values override Location Start and End Values (numbers)
Imported Data
When importing schedule data into Turbo-Chart, the results may look incorrect, where all tasks are placed on the location grid with values starting at 0 and incrementing to 1,2,3,4 etc instead of using the defined Start and End Location Values.
This issue is because because Turbo-Chart is generating Location codes from the imported data, and then listing those Locations as the position for activities on the chart.
If there are both Location start/end values AND a location code, then the start/end from the Location Code Library will override the Location values. You can do one of the following to resolve:
1) Remove the location code from the activity in the schedule data table, so that only start/end values are imported
2) Configure the location code Start/End values in the Location Code Library. You only need to do this once, or when a new location code is created. Note that the location code library can be copied to excel, modified and then pasted back:
3) If pasting activities using the Paste Wizard, select <Not Found> as the mapped field for Location Code. See note below if you cannot select <Not Found>
Note if <Not Found> cannot be selected
If you find you cannot change this value, there are another few steps:
- Note the field currently being mapped to Location Code.
- Click on the “Clipboard Data” tab of the paste wizard
- You will see all the data that is in the clipboard being shown, and the first row will be the headers
- Find the header noted in step A above, and then modify this header text, say put a “zz” at the end
- Return to the Location Code mapping and you should now be able to change it to “<not found>”
- You will not need to repeat the above steps each time pasting data in.
You can then delete all the Location Codes from DATA>LOCATION LIBRARY if required. This can also be done by copying the entire table to Excel, then pasting back in just a single row.